The Altar Society of OLQP is a group of women from the Parish who offer their dedicated service to the Church. The Altar society is involved in the life of the Church in a special way. Through their efforts, they assist the Pastor in maintaining the Altar, Sanctuary and Sacristy. This includes cleaning and setting of the Altar for Services, caring for the vestments, Altar cloths, etc.
The altar society takes care of the donut social, bereavement dinner and help with most of the activities in the parish. The Altar Society does two main fund raisers every year. They are the ‘Turkey Dinner’ in November and the Salad Luncheon in the spring.
For more information talk to any of the Altar Society members or call the church office.
If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact:
Rose Marie Fidelie Ph 940 691-1345