Parents are the heart and soul of youth ministry. Without your support and guidance youth ministry on any level does not work to its optimum. During your child's Baptism, you proclaimed to the entire church that you would be the first and best teachers of faith in your child's life. With your example, our youth today, even though influenced greatly by so many negative things, can truly develop a lasting relationship with our Lord and the Church He gave us to guide our lives. First and foremost I want to encourage you to have an active daily prayer life. Let your children see you pray. Second, without exception, GO TO MASS EVERY SUNDAY. A recent study found that no matter what the denomination, youth will have the same attendance rate of going to Mass/Church as their parents. As parents you want to give your youth only the best. It's in your nature as parents. Don't be afraid to talk with them or pray with them. If you need suggestions, feel free to ask! With your support and example your youth will gain a relationship with Christ and the Catholic faith that can guide them through life. contact us if you have a passion for your faith and enjoy sharing it with our youth. We would love to have you as a volunteer!
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